Like residential garage door installations, commercial garage door repair services are common too, to the dismay of business owners. Indeed, a commercial garage door may even require more support and inspections than home garage doors.
So it’s essential to know how to service these machines. You have to understand the commercial garage doors are used more frequently. And that means more tear and wear on the parts meaning more commercial garage door repair services.
Most high-quality commercial garage doors work to the highest standards and can withstand a lot of pressure. The same as other mechanical devices with metal parts, there might be issues that come up. It can happen since the garage door has many moving parts involved with opening and closing the door.
Let’s check out below 7 commercial garage door repair services you can use if your door experiences issues.
Commercial Garage Door Roller Replacement Services
Your rollers allow your garage door to move smoothly all over the track, as you open and close it. After some time, they get worn or move out of place. This makes the door move along the track roughly. When you see this happen, inspect the rollers.
Often, you may only require the rollers to be reinstalled in their place. They can move out of position by the door vibrations, so it’s a simple repair for the professional. If you have an old commercial door, the rollers can become too flexible or bent, affecting their movement.
When you can’t fix them, they need a replacement. A commercial garage door master can easily replace your rollers for you and prolong the life of the garage door.
Commercial garage door cable replacement services
Another significant part of your garage door is the cables. The cables are used in the pulley system that opens and closes the door for you. No matter if you bought the best quality cables, they will eventually wear out. If the door doesn’t open as it should, consider a commercial garage door cable replacement.
If you have broken, rusted, or damaged cable, a professional will replace them for you. Instead of DIY, It’s significant that you call a specialist to do this for you. Because of their essential part of the system, a mistake made by an amateur can and will cause serious injuries and even death.
Commercial garage door spring replacement services

Another dangerous part of the garage door you need expert advice is commercial garage door spring replacement or repair. The springs provide your door the tension it needs to open. Because they hold so much tension, that why there so dangerous.
Commercial garage door springs will experience wear and tear and will eventually snap or break. If you’re present when that occurs, it could shoot and hurt you. If you’re not present you will hear a loud bang that will scare you.
When you want to avoid an incident like this, consider inspecting your springs regularly. If they’re showing signs of wear, have them replaced immediately. It’s essential to do replace the springs before they snap and cause bodily damage. I recommend hiring an expert instead of DIY since saving a few pennies is not worth your life.
Commercial garage door hinge repair and replacement services
If the commercial garage door has old hinges, you may see lousy performance as it opens and closes. If you see it sticks while operating, stutter, or stop when you attempt to open it? That can be a sign the hinges are getting bent, twisted, or broken.
Call the commercial garage door repair service to deal with this issue, they will usually recommend a replacement rather than a fix. Because it’s less expensive to replace hinges and provides more service time from your garage door.
Commercial garage door track repair

A reason the commercial garage door stutters or doesn’t open correctly is twisted tracks. The garage door moves on the tracks, and if the track isn’t in great shape it will cause issues. When you don’t fix this small issue, it may turn into a big problem that affects and damages the door.
Some attempt to save some cash and DIY, however, it’s best to hire an experts repair team instead. They will inspect it and let you know whether you can fix the tracks, or whether to have them replaced.
New replacement Parts
When the garage door needs a new part, consider purchasing the garage door parts from the same company or supplier. They will use the same suppliers to match the part that you need.
If the company doesn’t have the garage door part anymore, they can find the best similar part, to assist you with making the repair that you need.
Garage Door Inspections and Tune-Ups

The most significant support a garage door repair team can give is garage door inspections and tune-ups. It’s essential to inspect a garage door frequently, for example, checking all the moving parts, and ensuring all the parts work correctly. You can do the simple inspection like tightening loose bolts, but it can be difficult to find all the issues. Commercial garage door repair services will deal with that for you, so you don’t need to stress over anything.
When the professionals finish the inspection, they’ll likewise recommend repairs that need your attention. Besides lubricating the moving parts they can also replace the springs. When the experts finish the garage door maintenance or repairs, your commercial garage door will work like new again. It bodes well to hire Sure Fix Garage Door Repair experts since they can provide you with serenity knowing they can handle your repairs too.